marți, 11 octombrie 2011


By Name Numerology

Kannan M

Choose Your Business 
As Per Numerology

To succeed by name numerology, ensure that Your Name, Business Names, and Lucky Numbers have mutually favorable vibrations.
You should choose your business supported by your Lucky Numbers.
You should enter only that business which Suits you Best!
Choose it as per Your Lucky Numbers. You will be crowned with Success! Be not like the copy cats, who try others business and burn their fingers.

Do your Numerology Calculation And Find Your 
Day Number, Life Number , Name Number, And Compound Number!

Day Number Indicates And Life
Number Decides Profits

When you apply the principles of name numerology, you will know what business will suit you the most. Your day Number, by its nature indicates certain lines of business. These will normally suit you.
Your life number should also indicate that business, for huge business success! It also depends on the strength of your name number. The name number acquires more powers as you age, and adds to your success.

Why Traditional Numerology Fails?

Name Number And Business Name
Number Decides Success

Both your and your business name, acquire strength with passage of time, creating favorable circumstances for your business success. The mutual vibrations of names and numbers determine the extent of your success.

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Business Choice for Day No.1

If your day number is 1, as per name numerology, you have good chances of success in government related business. Religion related business and politics will be profitable. It is important to have the backing of a party.
Government jobs, and doctor profession will suit you well. If 1 is supported by life number of 3 or 6, you can do perfect diagnosis. Backed by 9 you can excel in surgery. 5 enables you to innovate new things.

Free Name And Numerology- What You Miss Out!

Business Choice for Day No.2

Name numerology declares that You will excel in imagination. You can author books, novels and articles. You can be a good lawyer, distributor for goods, textiles, jewelry, toys, drinks, photography will all be favorable.
Researches in religious matters, Dyeing, clothes, and textile processing give good results. Dairy, agriculture produce, perfumes, scents, paper and stationery are also good. Those born on 11 can excel in sports.

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Business Choice for Day No.3

Social service, Government officers, posts in organizations and clubs, in the navy, army and the air force, teaching, political lectures, coming up by diligence in any respectable profession suits this number well.
Scientific research, and consultancy, business will be favorable for them. Power of Numerology for 3 makes Life number 4 persons great orators. Life number 1 or 6 will help them to become a powerful administrator.

Why Do Other Nameologista & Numerologists Fail?

Business Choice for Day No.4

Name numerology tells you that you will be powerful in reformative ideas, oratory, and writing articles. Other specialties are Philosophy, circus, gymnastics, medicals astrology, dance and music.
You are not made for routine jobs. Your deep knowledge on social sciences, doctrines, and politics will help you to succeed. Publications, printing, cattle farms, furniture, construction, and races will suit you well.

how To Choose Your Numerology Love Match!

Business Choice for Day No.5

As per name numerology, you are a master of all trades. Any business suits you. Your boss too will absorb your luck. If your life number is 1 or 3, you can work for others. Or else, you can be your own master.
You can take over any line and succeed. You will draw big clientele. Commission, brokerage, travel agency, and consultancy will be profitable. It is better not to dabble in every thing and develop a few lines.

Significance Of Your Name Numbers

Take Expert Help

If you are not happy with your name or your business name, change it at once. Use our expert help, through the contact page. We give you, your most Lucky Baby Names, Lucky Business Names and Lucky Personal Names!
We correct your signature, prescribe your Lucky Numbers, Lucky Days,Lucky Gems, and Colors, as per numerology. We confirm their accuracy byhorary astrology, and with the Lecher Antenna, to Ensure your Success!

Consult Us For Name Correction & Business Names!Numerology For Business
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  1. Thanks for sharing this. Nice post!!! Are you planning to start a company or Business? Or rename your present company? The company's name can influence the company's future as shown by numerology. Believe the influence your choice for the company's name can have on its direction and success or failure. At Sheila Bajaj, we are providing Business name Numerology in Bangalore.
